Ivan and Barbara Raught Memorial Scholarship
The Raught family has established the Ivan and Barbara Raught Memorial Scholarship as an ongoing memorial to her service at our school and to help give more students the opportunity to receive a Christ-centered education. Gifts designated for this purpose will provide financial aid to students attending Summit Christian Academy.
Secure, online gifts may be made through PayPal by clicking on the button below or by sending a check made payable to Summit Christian Academy to 660 Griffin Pond Road, South Abington Township, PA 18411. Please note on your check or PayPal donation ( use “Add special instructions to seller” section) that the gift is for the scholarship fund. Thank you in advance for your generosity.
Thank you, God, for Mrs. Raught and for blessing us through her.

About Ivan and Barbara Raught
August 14, 1978, was a great day for Christian school education in Northeastern Pennsylvania—and for hundreds of students who would eventually be influenced by the teaching ministry of Barbara Raught at Summit Baptist Academy (SBA) and The Baptist High School (TBHS). On that date Mrs. Raught was interviewed to teach music and physical education at the school. She began teaching at SBA a few weeks later.
Mrs. Raught’s ministry spanned the next 18 years. Her primary focus became teaching English language and literature. Mrs. Raught deeply loved her subject matter. She loved God and her students even more. Her favorites were junior high students and those who were struggling in some way. In return, Mrs. Raught was respected by her students and was an enthusiastic, godly example of what it means to be a Christian.
We estimate the number of students who benefitted from her guidance, developed their English skills, and increased their knowledge of literature under her teaching to be in the hundreds.
Comments from a survey conducted when Mrs. Raught was employed at the school reflect the high regard both students and parents had for her:
“I think Mrs. Raught does a great job at TBHS. I loved when you put the bandana on your head with the flower during A Tale of Two Cities. I live for your classes. You’re the best teacher, and I am glad that I have you this year.”
“Our girls have nothing but good to say about Mrs. Raught. We think you’re a wonderful teacher. My daughter loves Mrs. Raught and has a great respect for her. She says that you get excited and animated in discussing your classes. She also says, ‘Mrs. Raught is the most consistent and fair teacher at the school.’ I’m very thankful for the positive influence she has had on our child’s life. Thank you, Mrs. Raught.”
Mrs. Raught concluded her teaching career at The Baptist High School in June, 1998. But her influence remains in the lives and ministries of her students and will be seen to the praise of God’s glorious grace throughout eternity.
Thank you, God, for Mrs. Raught and for blessing us through her.
Mrs. Raught’s husband, Ivan, became a key leader in the school a few years after Barbara began teaching there. During this time grades 7-12 of Summit Baptist Academy became a separate organization called The Baptist High School. Organized by an association of seven churches in the area, TBHS sought to meet the growing need for a Bible-based high school that reached a broad area and population in Northeastern Pennsylvania. The board of school directors was elected from members of those seven sponsoring churches.
The first meeting of that board was held on December 12, 1981. A representative from Springville Baptist Church, Mr. Raught was elected Chairman of the board. He served for the next six years and was one of the first individuals to walk an empty 15-acre field on Griffin Pond Road on a spring day in 1982. God eventually led the board to build the school at that location.
Just a few months later God supplied $42,000 in gifts to purchase the property and dozens of volunteers to build the structure that now houses SCA’s grades 7-12. The building was finished for the first day of school in September of 1982 without a dime spent for anything but building materials. Carpenters, plumbers, electricians, painters, and laborers of all kinds gave their time and talents to serve the Lord with their skills. This great task was accomplished by our great God through Mr. Raught’s leadership.
A sixth-grade science teacher in the Montrose School District for 30 years, Mr. Raught nevertheless maintained a strong commitment to the mission of SCA. He sent three of his daughters to the school and served alongside his wife on several class outings and trips. After his initial six-year term on the school board, he served again for a time in 1990.
Thank you, God, for Ivan Raught–for using him to strengthen Christian education and to bring much honor to Your Name through the ministry of this school.
When Ivan went to be with the Lord in April, 2020, the Raught family requested that the Barbara Raught Memorial Scholarship be changed to the Ivan and Barbara Raught Memorial Scholarship. Their wish was to establish an ongoing, loving testament to both of their parents—one that also reflected Mr. and Mrs. Raught’s lifelong commitment to Christian education and honored their service to Summit Christian Academy. The creation of this scholarship does this by providing financial assistance to students and families in their pursuit of a Christ-centered education. Gifts designated for this purpose go directly to funding the tuition of students attending Summit Christian Academy.
Gifts may be made by using the “Give” button above or by sending a check made out to Summit Christian Academy, 660 Griffin Pond Road, South Abington Township, PA 18411. Please note on your check that the gift is for this scholarship fund. Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity.