
Social Media Employment Agreement

All employees should know that they represent the company, even outside of office hours. Employees must adhere to the Code in a public environment and when using social media. In addition, other relevant policies and procedures, including the Company`s insider trading, information security and privacy policies, apply to professional and personal online activities. Be sure to include a social media clause in your agreements. In particular, termination agreements should include a clause on social media. Also add a penalty clause and make sure it is robust and clearly worded. This allows you to avoid not only reputational damage, but also disputes over whether comments on social media platforms fall under the clause or not. Since social media supports the daily personal exchange between people, this not only affects the way we communicate on a personal level, but also has a drastic impact on corporate culture. Instagramming your first day of work from your chic new office is a great way to create a positive image of your current employer, but what about the last day you were fired? Probably not the same – no happy faces or sweet words about the organization, but endless negative attacks on the manager, the organization and maybe even the watchdogs. Perhaps the hypothetical case described is extreme, for many people who are laid off, coping with the shock is so painful that they feel the need to turn to social media as an emotional outlet. 14 Social Media.

The firm is aware that the Internet offers unique opportunities to participate in interactive discussions and share information on specific topics via a variety of social media such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs and wikis. However, the use of social media can pose risks to a company`s confidential and proprietary information, exposing employers to allegations of sexual or racial harassment and jeopardizing the company`s compliance with business rules and laws. This policy applies to the use of social media on the web by SCM employees. It sets guidelines that employees should follow when using technology for social networks (e.B LinkedIn, Facebook), blogs (e.B Blogger, WordPress), microblogging (e.B Twitter, Tumblr) and other forms of social media. When using social media-related websites, SCM asks employees not to mention the company name anywhere (except on LinkedIn, as mentioned below) on a profile or in communication with other members of the social network. SCM has the right to require an employee to remove any reference to the Company. Since you represent the U.S. government on our social media channels, it is important that you follow all the ethical rules and the Hatch Act. By signing this Agreement, you confirm that you comply with the Executive Code of Conduct; You remain free from conflicts of interest and comply with Hatch Act when engaging in partisan political activities. In addition, if you have any questions before taking action, agree to contact your Ethics Counsellor. A social media contract doesn`t have to be rigid. You are not creating this document so that you can possibly micromanage each employee`s Twitter.

On the contrary, it ensures that your employees` presence on social media doesn`t throw a bad light on your business, whether they manage your brand`s online character or just their own accounts. In general, it`s a good thing for a growing business to have active employees on social media. You can be your evangelists, elevate your reputation, and talk about how much fun it is to work for you. They don`t want to nip it in the bud. Instead, you just want to make sure that no one is saying anything that could put your business in an uncomfortable place. For example, it`s a good idea to ask employees to announce that their personal accounts are only their own opinions, not those of your company. If you try it yourself, finding a lawyer to review your social media contract can be time-consuming and expensive. Sometimes a lawyer doesn`t even accept requests for review of documents they haven`t written. If a lawyer decides to give his opinion, he will still ask you to pay his standard fees for it.

A more cost-effective option is to seek help from the Rocket Lawyer On Call network® of lawyers. With a premium membership, you can have your documents evaluated by an experienced lawyer. Whether you`re making additional copies of your social media agreement or other agreements, we`re here to help. Doiyen, LLC (“Doiyen”) is a talent management company for social media influencers and seeks to represent some of the world`s top talent in the social media world. Doiyen is also the entity our influencers contract with when they live in one of our clubs, as described below. Doiyen was acquired by us on July 9, 2020 under an exchange agreement between WOHG and Doiyen under which WOHG acquired 100% of the shares of Doiyen members in exchange for 100 common shares of WOHG. In accordance with the Administrative Agreement, the Creator agrees that during the term of the Administrative Agreement, the Creator will appoint Doiyen as the sole and personal manager of the Creator and will engage Doiyen to provide services, advice and advisor on the Creator`s career on social media. These activities may include, among others, assistance in the use of the Image of the Creator and representations in stores of third-party brands, advice on contract negotiations and artistic selection of projects, as well as professional and general support in all activities as a model and / or influencer through which the talent of the creator can be developed and exploited by social media or other means. Please also note that the objective of this policy is to protect the best interests of the company in an ever-changing regulatory environment.

As a registered investment advisor, the company is subject to legal requirements that may be affected by your use of social media. This policy is designed to prevent you from violating these requirements. Therefore, your use of social media may be subject to review by the law firm, including a periodic review of each supervised person`s LinkedIn account and other popular social media platforms. The two main sources of revenue for NBS are advertising and subscriptions. Advertising consists of direct stores where NBS works directly with brand advertisers to run advertising before and after the turnover around an NBS report and distribute that report to the right target market on social media. NBS has conducted three pilot advertising programs, including with Intel and Coast Products, a lighting company based in Portland, Oregon, and believes there is a significant opportunity to extend this to a more automated advertising model once news capture reaches critical mass. In addition, some websites, such as YouTube, currently share with NBS the revenue they generate from NBS reports, and other sites like Facebook should do the same. Subscriptions include consumer subscriptions to our proposed app, as well as business-to-business syndication agreements that allow third parties to license NBS messages for use on their own web properties. If one of the parties violates the social media clause, it must pay the agreed fine until all negative information is removed from the Internet. If the fine is not paid, the party may be summoned to court by the other party. .