Which of the following Countries Is a Member of the Free Trade Agreement Dr-Cafta
While the costs of manufacturing generics are relatively cheap, the cost of human testing is relatively expensive and testing takes months or years. If generic manufacturers had to repeat the tests, generics would be more expensive and generic manufacturers would not be able to perform the tests at all. If generic manufacturers were to repeat the tests, they would have to compare new effective drugs with less effective drugs, which would be unethical, according to MSF. In the United States, drug manufacturers are required to publish trial data for generic manufacturers. As part of the exclusive CAFTA test data, drug manufacturers could keep test data secret, making it more difficult for local companies to manufacture generics and allowing multinational pharmaceutical companies to maintain a monopoly on brand-name drugs, including those used to treat AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis. [8] Costa Rica held a referendum so that its citizens could choose whether or not to approve the DCFTA. On 7 October 2007, Costa Ricans voted in favour of the agreement. On 30 September 2008, the DR-CAFTA countries agreed to extend the deadline for Costa Rica to implement the Agreement until 1 January 2009, in accordance with Article 22.5.2. On 14 November 2008, Costa Rica adopted the final bill to implement CAFTA-DR. The Free Trade Agreement between the Dominican Republic, Central America and the United States (CAFTA-DR) entered into force for Costa Rica on 1 January 2009. It also contains anti-corruption provisions in which Member States commit to prohibit the manipulation of digital rights management technology. [9] Member States agree to make patents available for each invention subject to limited exclusions and confirm the availability of patents for new uses or processes of use of a known product. In order to protect against arbitrary revocation of patents, the reasons for revoking a patent must meet the high standard of not having obtained the patent in the first place.
[9] The main provision of the DCFTA-DR was that some tariffs would be abolished immediately and others over periods of 15 to 20 years. Tariffs on more than half of U.S. agricultural exports were abolished when the agreement went into effect. The top U.S. exports to DCFTA-DR countries were petroleum products, machinery, grain, plastics, and medical devices. Significant U.S. imports included coffee, sugar, fruits and vegetables, cigars, and petroleum products. Other provisions of THE DCFTA-DR have been developed to give the United States better access to Central American markets in the banking, telecommunications, media, insurance and other services sectors, as well as to purchases by the governments of Central America and the Dominican Republic.
The trade agreement included measures to ensure transparency and efficiency of all transactions, as well as to protect workers` rights and the environment. THE DCFTA countries are also facing an increasing number of ISDS cases against environmental protection. For example, a U.S. mining company filed a lawsuit against the Dominican Republic for delaying and denying environmental permits for an aggregate mine that the government saw as a threat to nearby water sources. Other U.S. investors in the Dominican Republic have threatened to take legal action under CAFTA against the government for refusing environmental approval for their plans to expand a closed resort. During the congressional debate on its passage, CaFTA supporters promised that the deal would bring economic prosperity to Central America and make it “the best immigration, anti-gang and anti-drug policies at our disposal.” Today, CAFTA countries Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala are plagued by drug-related gang violence and forced migration. Although the causes are multiple, “economic stagnation” has fueled the crisis, according to the US State Department. The DCFTA has clearly not delivered on its promise of economic growth for the region.
DCFTA-DR requires that tariffs and quotas be managed in a transparent, non-discriminatory, market- and trade-oriented manner and that importers can take full advantage of them. Each Member State will eliminate export subsidies for agricultural products destined for another DCFTA-DR country. [9] El Salvador was the first country to officially implement the DCFTA, which entered into force on March 1, 2006, when the Organization of American States (OAS) received signed copies of the treaty. On 1 April 2006, Honduras and Nicaragua fully implemented the agreement. On 18 May 2006, the Guatemalan Congress ratified the CAFTA-DR, which entered into force on 1 July 2006. The Dominican Republic implemented the agreement on 1 March 2007. In a referendum on 7 October 2007, Costa Rica narrowly supported the free trade agreement with 51.6% “yes”; the agreement entered into force on 1 January 2009. [6] Today, life-saving drugs are more expensive in Central America because of the monopolistic protection that THE CAFTA has granted to pharmaceutical companies.
And the headlines of several DCFTA countries do not report economic prosperity, but economic instability, drug-related violence and forced migration. Meanwhile, CAFTA labor regulations could not prevent the killing of dozens of unionized Central American workers who were trying to stop unmitigated labor abuses such as wage theft. In contrast, the pact`s foreign investor privileges have allowed multinational companies to challenge domestic laws, including consumer and environmental protection. Free Trade Agreement between Central America and the Dominican Republic (CAFTA-DR), a trade agreement signed in 2004 to phase out most tariffs, tariffs and other barriers to trade in goods and services between the countries of Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the United States. It was the first free trade agreement between the United States and a group of developing countries. Essentially, the pact aimed to provide the United States with better market access and promote economic growth in Central American countries and the Dominican Republic through increased direct investment and export diversification. In Guatemala, mass protests were violently repressed by the government, and in Costa Rica there were strikes against the trade deal. In addition, many Catholic bishops in Central America and the United States rejected the treaty, as did many social movements in the region. (Comparative Politics of Latin America (page 469), Daniel C. Hellinger) The Free Trade Agreement between the Dominican Republic, Central America and the United States (CAFTA-DR) entered into force in 2006 for the United States, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, in 2007 for the Dominican Republic and in 2009 for Costa Rica.
As a result of the free trade agreement, 100% of U.S. exports of consumer and industrial goods to DCFTA-DR countries will no longer be subject to tariffs. Tariffs on almost all U.S. agricultural products will expire by 2020. In order to benefit from duty-free treatment under the FTA, products must comply with the applicable rules of origin. A decade ago, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative sold the CAFTA as the “best trade deal ever made on labor” and boasted of “world-class” labor regulations. These provisions could not prevent the murder of 68 Guatemalan trade unionists during the seven years of the pact without a single arrest.
In 2008, the AFL-CIO and Guatemalan unions filed a formal complaint under caFTA`s labor regulations, calling for an end to rampant anti-union violence, wage theft and other abuses. It was only six years and dozens of union murders later that the U.S. government went to arbitration in this case. The U.S. lost this case, proving that the model of labor standards in U.S. trade agreements is deeply flawed. (If a case related to the serious and endemic violence against unionists in Guatemala cannot be won, where could a case under these rules succeed?…) Even today, Guatemalan unionized workers suffer frequent attacks with impunity. Each Member State shall not treat service providers from another Member State less favourably than its own suppliers or those of another Member State.
It obliges companies to create a local presence as a precondition for the cross-border provision of a service. [9] The Dominican Republic-Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) is the first free trade agreement between the United States and a group of small developing countries: our Central American neighbors, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. .