
Significance of Non Importation Agreement

These figures show how the situation has affected trade. A Great Depression can be seen in the 1760s, when the majority of non-import and tax struggles struggled. Nevertheless, it is believed that the non-importation and associated depression were not only caused by unpopular actions. Meanwhile, creditors and investors demanded their money from colonial importers who could not pay their debts. To raise more money, they compensated for the non-import so they could sell their shares at higher prices. First, by addressing James Otis Jr., who advised the Massachusetts House of Representatives to ask the British king. This led to the Massachusetts Circular Letter, written by Samuel Adams and James Otis Jr., which was sent to other colonies and recommended class action against the British Parliament and the Townshend Act. Such colonial initiatives sparked a debate about whether the British Parliament has the right to levy taxes for the sole purpose of increasing revenues. The colonial argument, also applied by Dickinson, was that they cannot be taxed without elected representatives (“no tax without representation”[3]).

Parliament`s counter-argument was the duty to protect its citizens and its subjects. These colonial attempts to deny this British policy ended with the dissolution of the New York and Massachusetts assemblies. As the British government did not recognize the reason for the colonial objections, a conflict between the homeland and the colony became inevitable. In these complaints, Parliament saw a clear attempt to weaken its authority, navigation laws, the trading system and, consequently, the entire empire. [4] Probably the only peaceful means left for the American colonies to enforce their demands on the British government was through a boycott of British products. These intentions formed an initiative of Boston merchants and traders that led to the Boston no-import agreement. Non-import agreements have not only helped to eliminate undesirable actions, but they have also promoted the decline of exchange rates and the elimination of stocks filled by importers. However, the Townshend Act was only partially repealed by a change in the UK Department`s foreign policy to promote trade, export and production. As a result, the settlers partially abolished their own non-import policy. Tariffs on many products have been reduced, with the exception of tea. Parliament also retains its right to tax settlements. The fact that the Townshend tax on tea remained in effect, in addition to the Tea Act, which opposed reducing the amount of tea stored in London warehouses, led to the so-called Boston Tea Party.

In the 1760s, the British Parliament passed many laws that had a significant impact on the colonial economy and caused problems in industry, agriculture and commerce. This means that the Boston no-import agreement may not be the first such agreement to oppose Parliament`s behaviour. This boycott lasted until 1770, when the British Parliament was forced to repeal the laws against which the Boston Non-Importation Agreement was targeted. The Sons of Freedom were determined to enforce non-import agreements in order to raise awareness of colonial grievances against British rule. The actions and protests of the Sons of Liberty have shifted from peaceful gatherings, organizing smaller boycotts and covert actions to public demonstrations of civil unrest and violence. The intimidating message from Liberty`s sons against merchant William Jackson above clearly shows one of the methods they used to enforce non-import agreements while persuading the settlers to act. The said merchant, William Jackson, could also have been publicly “tarred and feathered.” “Boston Non-Import Agreement”. Boston Tea Party. Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum.

Retrieved 18 November 2018. Other US cities have also introduced similar no-import agreements to oppose unpopular British policies. The use of raw materials, goods produced in the colonies, and the ingenuity of the Yankees were the order of the day. Meanwhile, the American colonies experimented with the idea of being self-sufficient and not relying on the homeland. This experience will prove invaluable, because in a few years during the Revolution, the British Royal Navy blocked the American coast and closed many major port cities. During the Boston Non-Importation Agreement, traders and merchants agreed to boycott goods subject to the Townshend Revenue Act until taxes on those goods were lifted. Some essential products have been exempted from the boycott, such as salt, hemp and duck cloth. Smuggling was widespread. This was a direct violation of navigation laws.

Almost all American communities profited from or participated in the smuggling of illegal goods from Dutch, French and Spanish traders. Smuggling was not only a cheaper alternative to taxed British goods, but also served as an effective means of resisting and undermining British policies. Boston was full of contraband and smugglers. The Sons of Liberty obtained funds for their organization by conducting lucrative smuggling operations. Smuggling financed much of their resistance to British authority. Samuel Adams, John Hancock and Paul Revere were all known as notorious Boston Patriots smugglers. This agreement was addressed directly to the British Parliament. Nevertheless, Parliament was not alone in being an objective of the agreement. Instead, Boston businessmen hoped that their English counterparts would put pressure on Parliament to avoid damage or, even worse, a collapse of colonial trade, which would consequently affect the British economy and prosperity.

As early as 1766, the practice of non-import agreements against the importation and trade with Great Britain of the cities of the American colonies was promulgated. The Sons of Liberty were in favour of the use of non-import agreements and similar boycott tactics. The Stamp Act was repealed due to joint non-import agreements between the U.S. colonies. New York merchants first implemented the non-import agreement to protest the Stamp Act, and they managed to convince merchants in other cities to do the same. Boston was one of the cities that persuaded New York merchants to participate in the non-import deal to fight the Stamp Act. As a result of the successful boycott and pressure from British merchants who had lost money, Britain relented and eventually repealed the Stamp Act. Although Sons of Liberty`s involvement in the non-import agreement affairs is undeniable,[5] they were not the only ones to oppose British rule. In the era without British luxury goods, tea or textiles, there seemed to be an opportunity for patriotic women to play a role in public affairs. [6] Although they did not join the public protest, they formed a strong group called Daughters of Freedom.

Instead, they helped produce goods when non-import agreements came into effect and caused deficits in British products, especially textiles. They spun wool into thread, knitted the yarn into fabric. [7] They also decided to join the initiative to boycott English tea, using various herbs and plants such as mint or raspberry instead. Often, these women run a household or even a small shop. Thus, they could make a choice about which products to buy and which to boycott. Therefore, they have had a major impact on non-imports and their efficiency. After Parliament imposed tariffs on imports in June-July 1767, the settlers proceeded with a second unequal set of non-import agreements. Boston quickly resumed its embargo on British imports, and New York followed in 1768. But Philadelphia did not sign the idea until 1769 after stockpiling imports.

Traders in the south refused to cooperate and smuggling was reportedly everywhere. Around 1770, the embargo began to put pressure on British exporters as international tensions in Europe mounted. Parliament has lifted tariffs on all products except tea. The Boston Non-Importation Agreement of August 1, 1768 was a formal collective decision of Boston-based merchants and merchants not to import or export items to Britain. The agreement, essentially a boycott, was a series of agreed trade restrictions that the settlers introduced with respect to trade with the homeland. The decision in favor of the agreement was made in protest and fight against the Townshend Revenue Act of 1767. Under the Townshend Revenue Act, a tax was to be paid on the purchase of glass, lead, oil, paint, paper and tea. The Boston No-Import Agreement was one of the most effective means of colonial resistance to British policies in the years leading up to the American Revolution. A similar tactic was used again five years later in Boston and the colonies to protest the Tea Act with the British East India Company`s tea boycott, culminating in the Boston Tea Party. The non-immigration agreements of the late colonial period were important precursors to the American Revolution.

The agreements fueled tensions that led to violence. The negotiation of the accords brought the Boston patriots to the forefront and demonstrated to the settlers the potential for united action.